Saturday, 22 November 2014

Words of Advice for the Seeking Dawtas

Hail all Dawtas of His and Her Imperial Majesties JAH RasTafari!
Give thanks and Ises for life health and strength to carry on each and every day no matter the trial or tribulation!

I wanted to give an Iditation for the Dawtas who are new to RasTafari, who are coming into this Livity because they are in love with a man who says he is a RasTa man, who want to know how to please him, what he expects and how they should act and dress as a RasTa Wombman. This post is ideally a review of reasonings I made a while back about Marriage and Livity…

If there is one truth that I think InI can all agree upon, it is that “every man do his thing a little but different,” if you know the reggae. And even though InI may all call ourselves RasTafari, and may know the same principles and guidelines and share similar ideals, InI are never the same. Though InI all can access the same information on the Order whether it is from elders or in books or on sites such as RasTa Wifeline – when it comes to Livity and marriage between one and one, raising the youths and so on, every man do his thing a little bit different. And from that, a Dawta must know that what she is really seeking to know is how to balance the cultural ideals of RasTafari with what works for her and her kingman in their own personal space. This is realistic, because no one as much as they would like to believe, follows the Tenets and Livity perfectly. A Dawta must see that she can take a word sound from books like the Bible and Feta Nagast, she can observe the Livity of others, she can take a reasoning from another sistren; but at the end of the day, a Dawta must pay attention to her own man and how he does his thing. How she must please him, is based on what he likes and what his personality responds to. 

How does he do his thing? Is he an honest man, does he live up to his word, does he only do things to get a reward from you? Is he a hard worker, and does he deal fairly with people and money? How does he keep his space and his possessions? What does he like to do in his free time? What are his friends like? What are the kinds of things that he would say, and truly mean? How does he do his thing? Is it a positive energy or negative most of the time? What makes him angry? What makes him happy? How does he respond to stress or ignorance? 

And to a Dawta I would say have a serious heart to heart with yourself: Do you really feel in your gut that you can trust him with your life and heart? Oftentimes, at heart we feel that certain moves another makes doesn’t rest well with us, and we ignore that feeling that something wasn’t right with them, until “the shit hits the fan.” Then when everything is a mess you decide to be real with yourself that you should have known better. Too many Dawtas experience this feeling of not listening to themselves or listening to the pattern or history of the man they wish to be with. Don’t overlook the warning signs just because a bredren can deliver knowledge or is charismatic. Men in general have a tendency to always get what they want by any means necessary in this day and age, and women need to be more mature about who they allow to take possession of their mind and heart and body. SERIOUSLY> InI are the ones left with the babies to raise alone and the cycle must stop! 

There are so many things to consider about the person you think you are spending your life with, and it is important overall, to know and consider these things about yourself, ask yourself these questions, think about what you put out there, and how you are treated by others> What are their opinions of you? What are your weaknesses or flaws? What or who do you need to leave behind in your old life as you enter in RasTafari Royalty? Are you moving on and making a new kingdom and is he? Do you think that you can represent this man as his queen, and do you think he represents you well as your king? How well can and will you serve him and the princes and princesses of your womb? Have you talked about this, and what kind of parent will he make for your children? How do you think you both will manage the stresses of parenthood?

Knowing how to serve your kingman and be good wife is ideally all wrapped up in the two of you and how hard you love one another, care for one another and truly raspect one another, edify one another. So to please a man or to be a wife, a wombman needs to really figure out how he operates and how she responds, how she operates and how he responds. Is there a true companionship, a true gelling of souls? 

It is important to really be with someone who you know would give his life to protect you and his children. You should feel confident and secure that he is a true man of honour like Emperor Haile Sellassie I. If you want to really see a Man of Morality, take in the book called The Mission and the many many photographs of the King and see how He carried His family with Him always and was very close with them, how they were His life as much as Ethiopia. In exile He relied on family to keep HIM going because They faced racism and poverty in Britain and from Italy and other countries. He never left them behind in any way and did His best to ensure that they were well taken care of and stayed on the moral path. A kingman therefore at his lowest point, can rest assured that when he has been treating his family with love all along, he knows that he can rely on them for anything in his time of need. The yutes and a beautiful kind wife will be his treasure and joy.

Empress Menen also teaches through Her lifetime that a wife must be the confidante and best friend of her King. She must be the one who is his deputy, his MVP. She will never reveal his secrets. Who remembers what he might forget, who boosts his confidence and treats him kindly and raspects his wishes. The Empress shared Her King’s vision and She worked hard alongside Him and saw them come to fruition, as One. A Dawta likewise should embrace the motherly attention that her kingman needs from her even though she is his woman and not his mother or maid, by ensuring the homespace is clean, sacred and well stocked and prepared for her king. It is His sanctuary, where he does his resting, deep thinking, relaxing, planning, and love-making. It must be the place he longs to be when he isn’t there, to see the people who make him the happiest in life. and it his duty to ensure that his castle is being kept well, that what needs repairing gets fixed. A Dawta will clean but when things get broken she wants her king to take charge of the home. Keep your sanctuary in running order. Dawtas, choose a king who takes pride in his appearance and his environment.

I find it also helps to be realistic and accept that how your kingman “does his thing” may not always be perfect, and in the cleanest or most organized or successful or efficient way. No one is perfect at all, so it is good to know whether you can live with someone as they are, and be willing to pick up the slack for them and not be judgmental about it for the rest of your life – or not. No one can live up to all your expectations and it is good to recognize and love them for what they do give you and what they try to fulfil. It is good to separate harmless flaws from dangerous or wicked intentions. 

It is also good to be with someone who is willing to give you everything they can and whom you feel to give your all as well. It isn't everyday all the time that we can do this, because InI all have highs and lows, but truly our general acts of partnership should be willing and abundant. Often I find it better to learn to pick our battles and to allow others the same freedoms we want for ourselves – mainly to be who we are and to be free to be imperfect with overstanding from others. People can mature and change over time but it has to be genuinely their own evolution, it cannot be forced upon them. Being with Someone who inspires you to grow and who also grows strong and wise in this way is a marriage that will be firm forever! 

Now I know that aside from these things, when most Dawtas are seeking Fari Livity they just generally want to know the tradition of the RasTafari Wife, or the “Orthodoxy of RasTafari,” meaning the tenets and way of life that is specific to InI. They want to know so they can be authentic, and can be especially on the physical level, a true empress for their king. They also want to know what he will expect from them, and more importantly, why he expects all these changes and restrictions on their part. And Most Of All-All they want to know how to fit in when they go to a Yard for Binghi or Gathering or Groundation. The need to blend and be accepted by a kingman's people is a very intense and urgent need that often rushes the process of rising into RasTafari. InI end up doing things, and letting go of things because InI don't want to be judged or outcast.

Some Dawtas are smart enough to know they their king doesn’t know enough about Dawta Livity, so they must find out through others. This generally leads ones to Mansion Livity, to the more religious traditions that have shaped the way RasTafari man and woman interact in the home and at groundings.
On this website I have provided reasoning on what I have been taught to be the foundation principles of RasTafari through elder Bobo priests and their wives. I have included however, a more detailed look at these principles with I have learned through diligent study of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures the Holy Bible – KJV, Aprocrypha – Good News Translation, the Gnostic Book of the Holy Twelve, Book of Peace, the Ethiopian Book of Jubilees, the Book of Jasher, the Kebra Nagast and Feta Nagast and so on. 

My scope is therefore not limited to the Bible but generally is aimed to prove the “Ethiopian-Hebrew” or Judeo-Christian roots of both Ethiopia and RasTafari in the Caribbean, to show how much RasTafari has aligned theologically and culturally to the Biblical and Ethiopian Israelites or Jews or Christians, and how much Emperor Haile Sellassie I fulfills all prophecies of the King of Judah or Messianic Redeemer. All in All RasTafari have seen a true and clear connection and thus adopted the “Joseph” or “Ephraim” or “scattered” “exiled” Ten Tribe of Israel tradition which appoints the Head of Judah to lead the way back home. Or it could be as it is in my opinion that there was only ever truly a historical House of Yehuda or Judah in the olden days, which is said to have moved to Palestine from India, or that the names of Indian places were used to write the Bible. 

In this tradition InI see ourselves as the lost sheep who have been found (fulfilled April 1966) and reclaimed to New Jerusalem the “New Flower” (repatriation to the landgrant of Shashemene and the EWF,by seat of the throne Addis Abeba), by the Root of David King Selah. In acknowledging I-Majesty’s strong Judeo-Christian background and livity, as detailed in the Feta Nagast and Bible,  means that the identity of this religion has a huge part to play in how RasTafari Dawtas act and dress and how they are treated by their husbands. Empress Menen has always served, alongside of Ethiopian and Afrikan wombman as the Ideal in which InI Dawtas of captivity reclaim the Afrikan Identity. 

So if one is looking to know how to be RasTafari Wife in the Judeo-Christian sense that it would serve to read the Old Testament, namely Genesis to Deuteronomy, and the Pauline Books namely 1 Corinthians, also 3 Colossians, 1 Timothy. I have listed a number of other Biblical verses that I have condensed at the top of the Blog in various posts.

So in terms of what a Dawta can learn about being a RasTafari Empress or Queen or Princess or Dawta or Wombman or Sistren, or whatever you want to say, I can offer a lot of the patriarchal Judeo-Christian traditional outlooks and views that I have been exposed to over the past eight years. I believe that these principles detailed by the books of Moses and Paul can help a man and woman to live a cleaner and more grounded life in terms of morals and values. I believe ones can get a good overstanding of ungodly versus godliness from the Scriptures,- that means one can build up a conscience, a moral foundation by learning to refrain from a lot of "lusts of the flesh" which cause problems in our relations, because I and I all have them! 

But no matter how much law you follow -  it is up to every Dawta and Bredren to really be accountable for self, and deal with a good heartical vibes over all - cause even the righteous can fall into sin - the only way not to sin is to have an abundance of love and right thoughts. InI must be aware that knowing the rules of the Bible does not really equate to being righteous or good or happy; and the Bible because of the example of JAH RasTafari, cannot be allowed as a platform to oppress a wombman in the home or in the marriage.

Following all the rules of wearing long skirts, headwraps, or no makeup and jewelry and nailpolish and no pants and so on, will on the outside make any I look like a royal beautiful queen of Afrika, it will present an Identity for the Rastafari Queen that she deserves as Afrikan Royalty. But InI must "render the heart not the garments" as Rastas are known to say in this debate. InI have to have nboth Identity and a Humble Attitude of peace and love and raspect and truth.  And I have learned from my own growth that it is the countenance of a Dawta that will truly shine forth this way as the Light of the Emperor and Empress of Ethiopia and all other Ankhcestars.

As it says in Proverbs 31, a Virtuous Wife is known by her good works and words. It is the good words and works of a Dawta at home and in her community that will truly set her upon a throne of Life. The rules and tenets are there as guidelines to separate InI from the follies of Babylon, they are there to guide us out of indiscretion, but they must be used with WiseMind, they must be overstood heartically and not forced upon anyone. This I have learned because I feel like all the laws a Dawta is forced to keep, and then InI don't take the time to focus on the morality side, healing the habits, making better decisions in what we say and not just what InI wear. Then if the kingman doesnt match up in his own character, dawtas becomes disillusioned.  InI also create problems with one another because of rules and practices.

I myself keep many of the laws, but I am no longer bothered when a Dawta chooses not to do something - like wearing skirts only or not covering the head, these kinds of things. I raspect many Rastafari Queens and it's not because of what they wear and don't wear - although I feel more love and Inity or common interest when I see them in the traditional dress. Everyone has a right to be themself - I too want that right for ISelf and I take it - if it suits one to be "BIble Holy" it doesnt have to suit another in the same exact way. Freedom and Overstanding - and the Golden Rule. These are lessons I was free to learn, and it was in the interest of sisterhood - too often Dawtas lose the Sistarhood because of petty arguments and "Judgey attitudes". I did not like myself becoming that person!  While it looks good when InI are Inified in dress as Rastafari, having good attitudes and getting the works done are more important, aren't they? MATURITY comes with living by Mosaic Law. 

Every Dawta should know that she can be beautiful and adorned and yet modestly express herself in her own way, without feeling like she is being “sinful” and Kings must support their Queens and encourage them to feel beautiful and love themselves. He mustn't let anyone discredit her character because she may not conform to everything. When a queen feels beautiful and protected and comfortable she is then prepared to do her works with a positive and friendly attitude, she feels confident in her works and her rewards. and truth is, that no one should deny a Dawta her right to express her natural beauty in her own way. and I say this quite sincerely but I also think it so beautiful when all Dawtas can show forth RasTafari traditional wear.

So my advice is to really find a balance between your Afrikan I Self and RasTafari Livity. Any Dawta who wants to be a good wife mother and sistren must first tend to her own mind and heart and body. When she is Right and Balanced within, Maat, dealing with Good vibes, good thoughts, Ital food and hailing the Powers of Iration in Man and Wombman…all other things will be added unto her. To every Dawta seeking herself in RasTafari, her number one job is to cultivate her Lioness Strength and feed her mind with knowledge and love of self. And of course a Kingman must likewise work on his own self, and see the balance that must be achieved between laws and actual hueman nature and character.

I chant a song for all RasTafari Queens at this time struggling with marriage, motherhood and the pressures of stretching yourselves thin over everything for everyone. I know how you feel. Some days I could just run away just to get a moment to just breathe and be at peace in nature - to not have to answer to anyone but be consumed by self-expression and rest. Nature is my safe space, my place of recharge and rejuvenation. But this is our role as Wombman, to be the heart and backbone of everything, this cannot be escaped, so each of us have to learn how to be Queen of our situations and to find that Imega Strength within to do what we have to do without giving up, without complaint, like Empress Menen who survived war and the loss of her children all while co-running a country. The only way to make it through and be happy in your role and your Livity is to truly be Kristos-Conscious, to have the peace and love of JAH within, being inspired daily by the Wonders of JAH RasTafari working through you!

Blessed Be the Iternal Mother Goddess that lives in all of us. Menen Ites!
Selah! JAH RasTafari!
Sis Ila

Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Sun Lion King Part 2: the Zodiac and Throne of David-Solomon in Ethiopia

Give thanks for Life,

Though it has taken quite some time, I was able to summarize my writings on the Sun Lion King and the Messianic Throne of David some more, to include the zodiac meanings behind the titles and symbols....

One of the most important truths of RasTafari is the claim to His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellassie’s Ivinity; or His likeness or true representation of the Messiah King, the Kristos King, Son of God. For the true believer, His Majesty replaces the deities of Abrahamic religion, and is a Real Living Proof of the Godhood or God Head Trinity present in our world in flesh, Irator as Iration.

While most RasTafari expressions of Identity or theology come from the Abrahamic foundation Afrikans were given through slavery, there is a wealth of information showing that the Abrahamic Identity is itself a composite of more ancient Afrikan (embracing all Africa, Middle East and Asia) cultures. By seeing that the Abrahamic religions are composites of ancient religions, and in order to better overstand what they really are about through their origins; we gain more overstanding of exactly what the meaning of the Kristos King is, his purpose, identity and origin (in addition to reclaiming our ancestral root, Sankofa). 

It is better to know more about InI God and King in the heights of this hidden realm which has been buried under religious colonialism for ages. InI can see more dimension, truth and reality to His Majesty’s Ivinity, or His Cosmic birth by learning the secret cosmic meanings of all the Titles and Symbols attributed to the Throne of David-Solomon. These titles give a greater power of proof to the RasTafari stance that the Emperor is the Manifestation of JAH, the heavens, as above so below- the banner of red gold green black, The Lion of Judah, Kristos, the Messenger of Providence, Soldier of the Cross, Son of God, the Messiah of Humanity, a Beacon, a Star in Afrika to point us back to our origin that we may relearn these truths of our DNA. 

This knowledge empowers InI to be free, to be separated from ignorance and idolatry, to be champions of the Natural Right which is both cosmic and terrestrial, Iritual and earthly; that InI be no more slaves to Babylon but free minded, laboring for a higher livity and Wisemind redemption with a firm foundation, knowledgeable not doubting, accountable not slacking, loving not killing. Ultimately learning about the cosmic birth of His Majesty not only brings greater appreciation of HIM as the Messiah through His cosmic birth as Judah, but also more importantly on the day to day living, shows InI that we are all born under stars and signs, and we must pay attention to the months, days, numbers and names which mark our births to learn more about our personalities, strengths and weakness and our experiences, as there is great cosmic relevance in the lives of every man and woman.

(In terms of knowledge that will really help explain astrotheology, I recommend as I mentioned before, The Witness of the Stars by Bullinger and The Light of Egypt by Thomas Burgoyne, as well as watching all Santos Bonacci videos as he speaks on these works, the cosmos and how they are hidden in the Ible and all religion. These works may help ones to really overcome all slave mentalities that encourage us to think that any knowledge of nature is pagan or heretical.  But the REALITY is that nothing we think we know about gods and deities, namely Iyesus Kristos, is without its cosmic allegorical meaning. When it comes to Abrahamic faiths we are dealing with myths and allegories not historical facts.) 

As I mentioned, all the Judeo-Christian Messianic attributes taken from the Judaean House of David and applied to the Ethiopian Negus since the reign of Axumite King Ezana in the fourth century, are linked to cosmic prophecies and cosmic deities. Iyesus Kristos is a figure based on Heru and Osiris and they are sky deities, so we cannot ignore the cosmic history of today's gods and religion. What I am saying here was decoded from all the information  RasTafari already know about Haile Sellassie the First, all the Scriptures we use now to hail HIM Lord and King. The only difference is that I went beyond the church traditions of Jews and Christians back to the origins of religious dogma, the Nile Valley. So without the colonial lens when we view our history, it is clear that His majesty’s Throne was indeed one once crowned in the name of a more astrotheological tradition, so now InI must now take a look at the other side that is yet to be revealed.

The House of David in Ethiopia came from a marriage between fabled King Solomon of Jerusalem and Queen of Ethiopia and Yemen or Saba, Makeda. Their son Menyelek I became the first King of Judah to rule outside of Jerusalem given that his father sent him back to his mother to take her place on the throne, having been given coronation in Jerusalem with the princes of Israel’s twelve tribes. The Kebra Nagast and writings of Kaye Corbett which can be found online, speak more on this historical legend of Ethiopia, Arabia and Israel. Afrika and the Middle East have for a long time shared the Jewish Identity scattered across places like Harar, Timbuktu, Judaea and Saba. Now while the Kebra Nagast says this marriage is how Judaism came to Ethiopia on a state level, Christianity came to Ethiopia on a state level by Frumentius, to the House of Ezana. This was in the same century that the nature of Iyesus Kristos and his gospels were chosen by the Bishops and dispersed around the world. Frumentius was one such "missionary" for the Roman Church whose seat was in Alexandria, Egypt.

Although all kings were now being crowned as the House of Solomon, representing the Lion of Judah (Iyesus Kristos), bearing all the titles and symbols and regalia of the Illuminated King, I am sure that the Lion symbol was used way before Christianity came on the royal scene. It was these kinds of similarities that might have made it easier for Frumentius to convert a worshipper of Mars and other deities. 

Because ancient Kings like Ezana worshipped the cosmos or planets and had their festivities by the signs of the constellations; another similarity that Ezana might have enjoyed was the story of the Mother and Son, and the son’s future success as king.  I have found that Virgo and Leo more than others, are signs or constellations which contributed a lot to the Mother and Son relationships in the Abrahamic tradition, namely the Persona of the Messiah or Great Warrior King, or Son, or David-Solomon dynasty.

While the story is really about the man-child she has, the Mother is the source of his manifestation, the provider of nourishment and of love. Virgo is the Mother, “the Woman in travail to bring forth" in Scripture first depicted by Eve. Eve and her son were the first allegory to symbolize Virgo, as the serpent would bruise the heel of her young son Cain. This is the same Woman and Son of Revelation 12, Genesis 3:15, and  Isaiah 7:14. The Woman’s seed is cursed to battle against Satan, as depicted throughout the life of Israel the chosen seed or sons of Eve, like the Davidic Kings. In the cases of patriarchs like Moses, Samuel, John, Solomon and Iyesus, if you notice in Scripture there is deep bond, a relationship of love and respect between the patriarch-kings-priests-prophets and their mothers. In terms of Judah’s kings, a beloved mother may only be known by a name or a deed, but she was mentioned alongside her son. The most important verses for the Wombman Proverbs 31, carries a legend of being written by a mother for a son, to demonstrate how important the bond was to producing a fruitful kingdom.

Being named “Branch” ( Jer 33:15, Zechariah 3:8) “Servant” “King of Kings” Lion of Judah” “Son” or “Man Child” or “Son of Man” (Genesis revelation 12, 14:14, Isaiah 9:6-7) are instances where David is being linked to the Son that sits upon the Virgin’s or Young Woman’s knee. In the heavenly Virgo the child is a star called COMA. The word Branch is actually a star in Virgo, so the link is not just one that is assumed, David is Virgo’s Son because of the word Branch. He is the Branch of Righteousness.

This bond of mother-son, the Madonna of Christianity, signifies the immaculate conception of the cosmos and earth, the fertility that the month and sign Virgo represents as well, as she is depicted with ears of corn/wheat in her hand; for the harvest is ready to be reaped. Virgo is fertility, the birth of life. Virgo is the Tribe of Asher, who shall “yield royal dainties” in Genesis 49;20. The reaping of what was sown or birthed from her womb is signified by the stars BOOTES or the man who reaps the earth with his sickle in Revelation 14:14-16,18. He is the Coming One, likened to the Branch, the awaited one to judge the earth (ps 96:13) 

Alongside Bootes is Centaurus or Cheiron or the Two Natured one. He is the sufferer, the despised to be wounded by Satan. Here lies the Ivine and Human duality of the Kristos King Iyesus as the Son of David. The two-natured one in this constellation is the sufferer who is sacrificed, being pierced. He is humiliated and then exalted. (Isaiah 53:3) so Virgo as a constellation depicts the life, nature and struggles of the Messiah.


Woman with Child, the Madonna, Virgo. Note the nimbus or halo on their heads depicting the Sun deity.

While Virgo deals with the coming prince, his humiliation, suffering at the hand of the serpent who bites; the tribulations of David and his sons; The king (which is really the Sun) is expected to gain the final victory eventually, and this comes from his rising in the sign of Leo, the House of the Sun. Leo is the fierce warrior, the active agent of creation bringing strength, courage and fire. Physically there is abundance and bright flourishing in the earth. All things are ripened by its corona of rays and growing to full maturity. David is a Lion King because he was born of the tribe of Judah which in the Ible was the warrior tribe, the lion tribe of the twelve sons or constellations. Judah became known by David and David by Jesus, being the Righteous Branch, Root and Conquering Lion. The number of the messiah is 5. Leo also is represented by 5 and July 23 is 5.

Leo constellation has four main star groups that give the story of the champion lion. First we have the Lion of Judah himself, rending, angry and reading to tear the head or trample the head of the hydra. Revelation 5:5, Genesis 49:8-10  (His Majesty as King, leader of the Army of Lion warriors)

The Hydra is the second, meaning the “abhorred,” despised enemy of the king that is bound in Revelation 20:2. The hydra is the serpent and the dragon as well, or Satan or winter or cold and the infertility of the earth in these months.  (the Serpent or Hydra or Satan is Mussolini, Rome, Babylon in Revelation prophecy, see the Book National Sunday Law. The war with Italy started and the king had to be exiled as He was bitten and temporarily  wounded by the serpent, this corresponds to Libra-Scorpio. But now in Leo the serpent is to be dealt with the by the Lion, as in the return from exile in 1941.)

The third group of stars is Crater or the cup of pouring out, the wrath, the fire and brimstone. It is also called a bowl Psalm 23, 75:8 and 11:6, Revelation 14:10, 16:9 and 19:20. (The Italian Ethiopian war, the road back to the throne by the Emperor)

Finally is Corvus or the raven, whose natural enemy is the snake. The raven breaks up the hydra, pecks at it – just as in Revelation 19 :17 when the angel calls the birds to the feast after the Lion of Judah, the King of Kings has defeated the enemy. (After the war, and the lion's allies take care of the Serpent's threats, Mussolini's dead body is left for the birds to feast upon. In Italy the people were the ravens, as they came and beat his body for all the bad he had done.)

By knowing the true story behind the constellation of Virgo and Leo especially it is clear that His Majesty's life was indeed like an epic story of Hercules. His entire life was "caught up to the throne of God" the Sun-Lion-King.

For further reading in Scripture focus on the Books of 2 Esdras, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Psalms and Revelation which speak much on this Virgo-Leo identity of David’s lineage.

Overall it cannot be denied that the Ethiopian Throne of David, installed by Emperor Menelik II and Glorified by Haile Sellassie I, manifests true order and power “as above so below”. Two of its most important symbols show this power, the tricolor flag with the lion symbol, and even trinity star symbol; as well as the coat of arms which is covered in symbols that point Leo and Virgo: branches, lions, swords. In addition to the scakes of Libra. In ancint days Libra and Scorpio were part if Virgo. Then  they were separated making twelve constellations. Virgo Leo also corresponds to the Sphinx which speaks on the virgin purity rising from animal nature.

 the Ethiopian Coat of Arms


 All these cosmic titles and thrones in the earth are based on the great Cosmic heavens, the Kingdom of God, the vast domain of the Light and Eternal Life – this is the everliving throne of the world that JAH RasTafari sits upon. All humans look to the heavens for Ivine connection and it cannot be denied that to truly overstand religion is to truly overstand cosmic science and its true preoccupation in man’s mind as it is the path to immortality. To Know JAH is to know what is happening all around InI, to overstand why Greco-Roman Babylon is so interested in the heavens and wants us to stay away from such under the threat of paganism and heresy. The Zodiac and the path of the Sun through it, is natural, it is knowing our earth and seasons fully, and seeing this as the blueprint of Jah’s handiwork. Psalm 147:4 and Psalm 89, Isaiah 40:26, Job 9:9, 38:31-2.

Kemet knew the truth and didn’t want Japheth to have it, so they coded it and this code was corrupted and maligned for allthe human race by Greco Roman religious colonization. Now is the time to truly know and see the Most High Livity Law and Light, and to overstand as I said that His Majesty’s cosmic birth is a mirror of all our cosmic births. InI are all Ivine Beings as humans are indeed made of star dust. The cosmos knows itself because of our manifestations, and our patterns under the twelve signs/constellation. And when InI accept our zodiacal balance as part of the key to “know thyself” then InI can see how our destiny is to return to it in purity and to heal all the oppressing ways of flesh, that our physical plane may align and reflect a greater cosmic order.

Sista Ila

Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Sun-Lion King: Cosmic Messianic Symbolism in Ethiopia

Cosmic Messianic Symbolism in Ethiopia and the EOTC:
Solar Titles and Symbols of the Ethiopian King

From the ancient days to now, the Sun and Constellations have been deeply rooted in the traditions of the Throne of David, demonstrated in both the Ible and culture of Ethiopia and its Tewahedo Orthodox Church. Studying such esoteric or hidden messages in the Ible and Orthodox Christianity helps us as Rastafari: To overstand our JAH Emperor Haile Sellassie I as both the Zodiacal and Biblical Messianic King David-Judah: as above so below …To know HIM as King of the Nile Valley … To know HIM in His Supreme fullness, as an anointed Man of Might and Burning Flame, Light of this World, Lion Sun-King, Star of Afraka.

Afraka in the Nile Valley language of Amharic means “Land of the Sun” The Greek Ethiopia also means “Land of the Sun-burnt faces.” Historians have found letters penned by foreign rulers who swore allegiance to the Kemetic crown, addressing the Pharoah as “My Lord, the Sun” and directing tidings to him as if He was in fact, carrying the generative powers of the Sun. The entire fabric of this land is thus based on the Nile Valley’s geographic and cosmic relationship to the heavenly luminaries, namely the Sun (today, Orthodox) and Moon (Islam). The abandoned Ethiopian monarchy, though tied to the Judeo-Christian Tewahedo Church and Throne of David, was but a branch of the entire Nile Valley Empire where kings ruled under the names of many gods and even goddesses that depicted the power of the Sun, Moon and stars such as Sirius.

Because the kingship of Ethiopia goes back thousands of years before Christianity, I think that viewing His Majesty as Earth’s Rightful Ruler cannot and should not be restricted under the umbrella of Orthodoxy or Christianity in general. While many of InI may come to Sight HIM as JAH or Kristos through the Ible, with a Christian lens (comparing HIM to Iyesus as Messiah), this most ancient and holy throne and the Judeo-Christian Messianic traditions associated with it go further back in time to the secret societies of priests or seers (stargazers) who studied the Zodiac and communed with the most ancient Natural Laws or Principles of all Creation, in the Nile Valley. So the root of everything we call Judeo-Christian comes from the Nile Valley, all the symbols and titles of the Bible have a root in Kemet. Even our mainstream society as I said in my last post, is using Kemetic symbols on money and as logos.

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellasie I JAH RasTafari is the Name of InI God-Inspiration and King, and all for a true and very real and valid reason: He fulfils the ancient prophecies of Judeo-Christian and Mesopotamian/Kemetic Messianic traditions. So while His truth can be sighted in the Ible and legends of the Hebrew or Jewish people, it can also be found in the Zodiac traditions of the ancient Nile Valley nations from Nubia Cush to Kemet. While Judaism and Christianity may want to hide this truth, their theologies are based on the Zodiac and the movements of luminaries.

The Emperor has made both Zodical and Biblical myths (stories based on the movements of planets/stars and changes of seasons, days, months and Ages) and allegories (“a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms”) come to life in this time. He walked in the path of the Son of Ra or Amen, the Kristos, the Branch, the Messiah or the Sun as Lion King. Biblical, Kemetic, Zodiacal parallels are found in the Emperor’s Duty as Solomonic King of Kings of Ethiopia.

Judaism and Christianity being embedded in Ethiopian history have Messianic traditions, or prophecies by which to recognize and treat a Messiah or Anointed Warrior King, based on the archetype of King David and his successor King Solomon. These two most famous and heralded kings of Judah depict the role, personality and life of the King in Earth as a mirror of the Sun or King in the Cosmos. The attributes of David are linked mainly to the mythology of the Zodiac or the Sun in the constellations Leo and Virgo; while Solomon is a personification of illumination or Wise-Mind, he is an allegory symbolized by the Sun (Sol-Om-On). (The Sun symbolizes Life, Immortality, Wise Mind, the Supreme Creator and Life-Giver that has no form, it is Lord of the Solar System all planets function through it)

The TITLES and SYMBOLS (Images, glyphs, Icons) of the Ethiopian Throne and Church which Rastafari adopted through JAH Haile Sellassie I and Menen Asfaw I, are the most convincing evidence that show the underlying esoteric codes of Scripture and the David-Judah Messiah. The images created for this character or the symbols of Judah, matter more than the bloodlines because history simply cannot prove these people existed! Only history and culture in the places that adopted this tradition and the faith of the people in this culture prove the symbol, title or the legend of the person. And because of the mystic nature of it all, they are honouring a cosmic truth not a person. The symbols, rituals and feasts or holidays honour the legends/allegories/Natural law represented by the king/kristos/person, for example Easter celebrates the rising of Iyesus from the dead.

And where did this culture and these symbols and titles come from? From the seers, the prophet-stargazers who were fired and shunned as pagans, witch doctors, false prophets, wizards, diviners, magicians and so on. They created the times and feasts dates for the people, as they knew when cosmic shifts occurred and brought a new season. It is interesting to note that “Elijah” was one of these men, after his theatrical display of Hova versus Baal he was a man deemed worthy to enter the cosmic realms in flesh, on a chariot of FIRE. Joseph’s father-in-law was Priest of On, a Temple of the Sun in Kemet.

All of the nations, priests, kings and rulers of antiquity ruled by a symbol and title. Some kingship bloodlines were created under an existing symbol and title; while some titles and symbols were created for bloodlines. It was always a mixture of seizing the throne and gaining it by succession, so the only steadfast recognition of kingship and likewise the priesthood, was by symbols and titles (this includes appearance and rituals). Symbols and titles carry forces and legends that identify the Messiah. He is a man who will abide by and glorify these titles and symbols, give them life and use them responsibly.

In saying that the Titles and Symbols are the key more than the Bloodlines, I feel supported by the fact that the Ethiopian monarchy itself hardly had a direct succession pattern, a distinct uninterrupted lineage of Solomonic succession. It was more a collection of royal families that lived under the Davidic symbols and traditions for centuries. Their family traditions under the symbols and titles of Judah made the bloodline royal, it was their use of power and their passion for these Images and rituals that established a bloodline. In the days of the Emperor there were female and male lines of Solomonic descent with many noble families claiming to be heirs to the throne of Solomon. Families tried to win it, even His Majesty had to develop a plan to get Himself to the throne, and He won of course. By Menyelek II’s wishes, He was supposed to be second-in-command, not the Emperor. Emperor Haile Sellassie I replaced the heir who wanted to unite the religions of the Sun and Moon together on the throne, Iyasu.
In fact as Emperor Haile Sellassie passed in the constitution a regulatiob for all Kigs to come from His sons and daughters alone. He established one bloodline for the Throne of Menelik I Son of the Wise Man.

Ethiopia has effectively from its conception in the Nile, carried the Sun’s Messianic Kingship in its church and monarchy. It has consistently carried the zodiacal symbols of its God in its religion, the Madonna or Virgo Mother and the Lion-Son/Sun-King Throne or Leo through the Identity of Judah (two figures of the Sphinx in the Nile Valley, and both Maryam and Iyesus were of the Tribe of Judah and Kin to David specifically). Therefore, it is the use of the Symbols and Titles that matter in comparing His Majesty with Kings David and Solomon and the Tribe of Judah which is to say the Sun as King traversing the constellations Virgo-Leo.

InI as RasTafari have to know that the Nile Valley is the only place left for Afrikans to come and see their true history living and breathing. The historical relics and symbols are there reminding us of the hidden truths taken from us by slavery. Essentially I have found that the idea of the Christ is more practical, natural and human than put forward by religion, and that the Emperor of Ethiopia fulfills the requirements of the Lion of Judah for the first time in our recorded human history.

In Emperor Haile Sellassie the First is the Culmination and Perfection of our Ankhcestral Theology of Ivinity and Leadership. So it should be that when I and I identify His Majesty as a Messianic Branch of David through Ethiopian and Biblical symbols and titles, He should be able to fit into the Legends of the Sun and the twelve constellations. The symbols and titles of His reign should reflect such as well.

So in AWAKENING to the ESOTERIC WISE MIND OF RASTAFARI and the TRUE IVINITY of HAILE SELLASSIE TAFARI SELAH, as the ONLY TRUE KRISTOS KING OR SUN GOD or GOD in FLESH InI must learn about the SYMBOLS, the emblems of POWER WISE MIND IRIT and TRUTH: SUN, planets and Zodiac, the CROWN, the ROBE, the LION, the SWORD, the SCEPTRE and ORB; and of course the history of the TITLES, the rule/authority, the tribulation and victory. We learn that these traditions of KINGSHIP ARE ALL ZODIAC BASED> Our Own RasTafari Livity is Zodiac and even Kemetic based the more we learn.

To support my stance that there is a cosmic-Kemetic root to the Davidic Throne and Messianic Image, or the Sun-Zodiac references in such; InI turn to the Titles and Symbols of such in Ethiopia. InI must take heed to the Ila language of Ithiopia, a sacred tongue that has given us the NAMES of JAH that InI can bear witness to HIM.

Consider these Important TITLES of JAH:

“Light of This World’ - Wise Mind as represented by the SUN

“Qedamawi Haile Sellasie” - (the First) Power of the Trinity (Sun Moon Stars, Creator Preserver Destroyer, Love Light Life, Man Wombman Child)

“Ras” Head in Amharic, WiseMind in Hebrew

“Tafari” to be feared- as in a lion, a warrior/noble;

“Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah” – the victorious Warrior King as represented by the Lion of God or the Sun in Leo

“Elect of God” - Son of the SUN, Anointed by the Cosmos

“Root of David” - Leo, Beloved, Warrior King, WiseMind

“Soldier of the Cross” - The cross is made by the Sun on the N,S,E,W cardinal points, and represents two equinoxes and two solstices every year, the seasonal cross that also contains the twelve mansions of the Zodiac, this cross is the entire story of the Messiah in cosmos and mythos.

“King of Kings and Lord of Lords” – the Sun is proven and hailed as the King and Lord over all planets and stars in the heavenly domain.

“I AM He from Ori” According to the records of Ethiopian Kings, the First Ethiopian King was named Ori son of Aram which basically means FIRST LIGHT, His Majesty called Himself ORI – "First" in Latin, "My Light" in Hebrew, Aram means "light", the Sun Light. “First” again bearing the Ethiopian origin of humanity. Aram is father of Moses, Mariam and Aaron. From Ori we get origin, original and Orion!

The World's Powers (European oppressors) in His Lifetime not only said that the Emperor LOOKED AND TALKED LIKE IYESUS (He resembled the Images of the Sun Deity), but proclaimed that He was “MAN OF THE YEAR.” This Title was bestowed by TIME magazine, the world’s most popular weekly even up to the present, owned and run by the same people who published LIFE and FORTUNE, shaping our impressions of the world. It is vital to note that these magazines dominated the mindscape in the era before television: LIFE was a pictorial encapsulation of the socio-cultural pulse of the world, while FORTUNE dealt with cutting edge of the business world. So TIME magazine’s honor, published curiously on the eve of Ethiopian Christmas 1936, is the intangible crown bestowed by the public mind of the day, the article itself reading like the modern day fairytale it was then. This declaration was published during the Emperor’s tribulation, His Armageddon showing that the Lion of Judah had indeed RISEN and was ready to CONQUER and LOOSE THE SEVEN SEALS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (Esoterically, allegorically the seven seals are the rainbow circle of the spine, the seven Spinal chakras, the base of which is red, esoterically or spiritually called Egypt or Sodom and Gomorrah – Revelation 11:8).

“MAN OF THE YEAR” is an important title for HIM to be crowned by the White Man because Year means Sun-God> Santos Bonacci says that the word “Year” is a Solar word. Year comes from Yea which is Yes. Yes comes from Dais or Dia or Dios which means GOD and SUN. The “yes” gesticulation or “nod” is the movement our heads make when we observe the Sun-God rise as the god Heru (Horus) and set on the horizon (Horus Zone) as the god Set (this is how we get the word “sunset”). The Year as 365 days also makes up the Sun’s revolution through the constellations - the annual pantomime of its birth, baptism, death and resurrection. So Babylon's TIME Magazine (a publication owned by those knowing esoteric knowledge in secret societies) called H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I, as Man of the Year, MAN OF THE GOD or MAN OF THE SUN or MAN of the SUN-GOD, which basically means Kristos. And wasn’t Kristos the King who suffered and was wounded or exiled, only to return in victory? Indeed it was all cosmic, all intentional, all hidden right before our eyes. (Watch Santos Bonnaci As Above So below and all other videos!)

Behold and be aware that these were all once SUN DEITY TITLES, that they are all linked to the true GOD- KING of the Bible, the SUN and his LION the symbol of the Creator’s/Sun’s Power.

Heru, Iyesus and Osiris may not have been real men but Haile Sellassie IS! These deities gave ancient Man the hope in Ivinity, and in the same vein His Majesty and Empress Menen show InI That IT IS POSSIBLE to achieve the greatness of fabled kings/queens, to be guided and Itected by the cosmic-terrestrial Forces of Iration in InI Lives, to Be of all Ilah destinies once we just simply Live Right and Love RIGHT. No one can take away the great inspiration His Majesty Ras Tafari Selah gives RasTafari Idren in just living as MANIFESTATIONS of NATURAL LAW/Right/I-Consciousness!

The Lion of Judah as The True Messiah is also of the Nile Valley Kingship because His legacy stems from there, His royal attributes stem from there. And through His Words, Works and lineage HAILE SELLASSIE IS THE SON OF THE SUN in LEO and the NILE Valley - SIRIUS and of the RAINBOW CIRCLE THRONE> DAVID, “as above so below.” The Ethiopian flag with its tri-colour and the lion with the cross, is a solar emblem showing this balance, showing the Leo Tribe of Afraka, the Land of the Sun, the Nile Valley Kings.

As a side note, RasTafari must also see that this knowledge of the Lion Sun/Son has Manifested within InI as well through our dreadlocked appearance. Leo is the Sun’s dignity – dignatty – so its rays are full and the corona or halo is brilliant. The rays of the sun illuminate the world bursting forth in a halo from the core just as roots burst forth from a seed or dreadlocks from an Idren’s crown. The Sun's corona or crown of rays in Leo is the ancient symbol of our crown or WiseMind being opened, of our HEAVENS being illuminated by Light and Love. “Enlightenment” is of the Sun/Son. In one version of the baptism, Iyesus had sun rays fall on him (this is really the sun being dipped in water in the sign of Aquarius, John). Ethiopian art has the halo around the heads of saints always. The dreadlocks themselves symbolize the lion’s mane which is esoterically the sun’s halo, and which is used to symbolize the crown chakras halo of WISEMIND Illumination. A bunch of serpents can also looks like dreadlocks with that slender winding style, as do the roots of trees. Trees and serpents are both again ancient symbols that meant WISEMIND and LIFE and LIGHT! The serpent is depicted in many Kemetic artforms as a symbol of continuous life, light and Wise Mind. Dreadlocks, the RAS, therefore represent Illumination, the opening of the I, as do the lion and serpent symbols of old. Though we have been taught to think of the serpent as evil in the story of Adam and Eve it does not mean that at all, view the esoteric meaning by Manly P Hall in Secret Teachings of all Ages.

All of the symbols/emblems and garments in the below pictures show that Ethiopian and Christian traditions are based on esoteric Wise Mind of the cosmos and Neter. They support not only the esoteric nature of His Majesty’s Titles and Messianic Kingship, but the esoteric nature of the Ethiopian Throne on the whole. My conclusion is that His Majesty King Sellassie is the True Standard or Emblem-Bearer of the Biblical Sun-God or Son or King of the Nile Valley and All Ages.

While I am well aware that His Majesty worshipped under the banner of Christianity and believed in following Iyesus Kristos, I don’t believe that I am contradicting the Emperor, as again I will say that Jesus like all other Kristos deities, is part of the whole fabric that is astrotheology, all part of KNOWING SELF cosmically and Earthly. I choose to say JAH or RasTafari or Selah instead of IyesusKristos, but I acknowledge that it is the same personality, same character of righteousness which I see in the Lion Sun King the First Power of the Trinity, JAH RASTAFARI.

The cross is the most popular symbol of the Sun in religion. Here we have the sun cross or the compass or cardinal points on the top of His and Her Majesties’ crowns: NSEW, earth, air, fire, water, the 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices. It is an equilateral T shape for the cross with a circle going through it for the sun disc. The crown represents the yearly movement of the Sun bringing the seasons, or displaying the life of the Solar King as protrayed in the Zodiac.


The CROWN symbolizes glory, reign, victory it depicts the Sun’s halo or corona in summer, its reign in full power. The wearer has full power of his/her world. On Empress Menen's crown the cardinal pointed sun-cross sits atop an orb upported on four legs, just like Eden surrounded by four rivers. There are many other equilateral crosses studded in diamonds with red gems in the centre like small moons. There is a starburst of in the middle and the crimson/ruby velvet representative of the Heart – Leo , House of Judah, Power, Life-Giving energy. The Madonna is a symbol of the Pure Mother and Child, the Sun-King. There seem to be winged creatures as well.

(Consider Elizabeth II's and the Pope's crown, the Statue of Liberty's and Mithra's crown)


In this coloured photo of Abba-Amma King and Queen, Son, Father and Mother (the Empress was pregnant), on the ROBES InI can properly see the gold everywhere in that symbolic embroidery which is the metal element associated with the sun and the lion. AS mentioned this colour crimson or ruby is another July or Sun or Leo colour, the heart. It is said that the Empress wore sapphire blue robes for Her coronation however, this colour is also very significant of "God the Father." This is the day of coronation was a day of Sun Endowment to the Lion Throne of the Nile. It is interesting to note that red and green are the colours of Leo and combined with the gold of the sun we have Ethiopia’s Rainbow Throne ruled by the Lion Warrior.

The golden colour that the ornate decoration is sewn with, along with the golden crown and throne carry even greater planetary symbolism. Alchemists of the ancient world believed gold to be crystallized sunlight for its incomparable shine. Actually, they were not really wrong. Today we know that gold entered our earth via the death of stars (explosion of blinding light) and the shower of extraterrestrial dust of which gold was one element. Either way, when you or I wear gold we are wrapping our flesh with the stellar goodies of the universe. Did the ancients, could the ancients, have known this?

Their royal garments are also embellished with what looks like flowers and wheat or grain. It is well known that the moon has powers of fertility and farmers have always used the luminaries to plant for proper yields in harvest. The grain and buds winding on his garbs represent fertility, prosperity, the sovereign self-sustainability in the land of the kingdom flowing with milk and honey, nature in its effervescence, hence one truly favoured of God (His Elect) and worthy of the Divine Right of Kings. This is a fairly modern relic of that covenant supposedly first handed down to King Menes of Egypt, which swore that a king’s rule was ordained by God and he was vicegerent of His Ivine will.

Now to focus on the ORB in His hand with the cardinal sun-cross on it. It is clearly a solar disc, or a sphere like earth, a planetary symbol: “THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS” The Keeper of the ATUM. The SCEPTRE He is holding is known as the Holy Sceptre of the House of Judah and was believed to be magically empowered with the dominion of the world. It is said that was thescepter that was among items pilfered from Ethiopia by England’s Lord Napier in his rape of Magdala, and that was returned to its rightful owner in time for His coronation, allegedly with melodramatic gestures of eternal subservience and service by the Duke of Gloucestershire. Of course the sceptre carries hidden symbolism of its own. Like Aaron’s rod could work wonders, like Odin’s spear that never missed its target, or Thor’s hammer that would return to his grasp every time, and like Bootes who in the sign of Virgo thrust his sickle into the Earth (Revelation 14:14-20) – the symbol of the leader with the Staff is again reflective of the divine position, rule by ordinance of the very hosts of heaven – the universe and nature itself – “what you bind in heaven will be bound on earth” or as above so below – balance and harmony; the good shepherd. This rod is fashioned from a serpent in Kemetic art.


The SWORD is the symbol of the warrior. It is the tool of restoration, to return to balance or to equilibrium and the blood sacrifice made to achieve that harmony, that return to peace.

The orders and medallion that cover the Emperor's uniform are also many star shapes with sun bursts around them, or other geometric solar symbols. in the photos ther are eight, four and six pointed stars. Refer back to the first photo and see young Makonnen wearing an 8 point star.

 On this coin we see the House of Judah seal of Ethiopia, note it has the crown and throne or symbols of the sun's/king's power, angels (emanations of the sun), branches (virgo) and the lion (leo).

The Lion Sun or Leo symbols have for centuries adorned the Ethiopian Kingship and dynasties. The lion's mane halo around His head is a headdress of nobility and the Ethiopian chiefs wore lion's pelts, the Sun Powers of their land. Orange is the lion’s mane colour and also another colour of Leo (although the lions of His Majesty’s palace are notably black-maned as if to point to the melanin-richness of Zion). Note that the hanging jewels of the crown look like fringe, both again I believe are representative of sun rays or corona like the mane. The corona is a symbol of Leo, the zodiac sign when the Sun’s power and glory is on the Summer Solstice. The crown itself represents the Ivinity of the one who wears it. The Star and Sun in the centre of the crown cannot be ignored as esoteric symbols of the cosmic throne. The detailing on the coat around the neck also frames the face as if sun rays are emanating outward, so that with the lion mane and golden crown, His Majesty’s head is framed as if it were the Lion Sun itself. RA’STAF’ARI = THE SUN’s/LION’s FEARLESSNESS or THE SUN/SON/LION TO BE FEARED. RA is the sun, ARI means lion in Hebrew. We have STAF to point to the scepter of right. As I probably mentioned before RASTA or RASTAU is a Kemetic word for the path between light and darkness, the journey the Sun makes in the underworld before reborn as Heru, symbolizing enlightenment.

The Lion here on one of His Majesty's throne chairs is standing on an orb, the Sun. There are also discs on the side under the lion, and a four leaf image signifying the sacred cross of the sun, the elements, cardinal points and so on again. Note that this position of the lion is also similar to Leo's position as he tramples on the hydra. The Conquering Lion hath prevailed! He has the whole world in His grip. While this Lion holds an orb, the Kemetic lion holds an ankh.

Another Throne with more lion images.

This Trinity symbol is also an ancient symbol that extends to the esoteric priesthood. The Emperor used it as His personal insignia because of His Name. The Power of the Trinity is a Star symbol, which His Majesty placed with a Star of David or downward facing triangle. The Emperor Himself used these ancient sacred symbols and so did Her Majesty as she wore the cross and order of Sheba. Note again the plants and flowers about the room and the leaf and vine detailing on the draperies. There is also a sun-shaped emblem in the centre of the display.The hand-sign His Majesty makes is also considered to be the six pointed star sign.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church also has images of an esoteric nature, the cross being the chief one that everyone uses.

 The masqel/maskal/maskel is another symbol that represents the cross of the sun, and which also has winding circles and coils that shows the serpent of Wisemind and the Tree of Life (Sephiroth). Not to mention Ethiopian crosses have a Star or triangle somewhere in the design. With maskels we can also count points in the design that signifiy the Ilah numbers of astrotheology like 12 + 1 (13), 4, 6, 3 and so on.

There is nothing new under the sun, what has been hidden will made be made Light again when the ages change. And the Age is changing! The Emperor of Ethiopia has loosed the seven seals and has opened the I, a well of forgotten Afrakan truths. So the literal interpretation of the Ible in our time, though it is not possible and truth for Iyesus in the physical existence of a person, it is possible and truth because of HIM! And the more ones continue to learn about the esoteric truths of all ages, the more the Scriptures will all make perfect sense that HIM leads us back to our true selves: the God-Man/Wombman, cosmically Ivine, terrestrially bound; for I and I are ALL Ivine and all destined to shine the LIGHT of Life and Love.

This is a summary of the vast information on the Sun, lion and Kristos King as I see them clearly shining through the Ivine Man the Negusa Negast Girmawi YAH Germawi Qedamawi Haile Sellassie

There is much more to reason on His Majesty, stay tuned for part 2 Dealing with titles of David as Virgo-Leo in Scripture.

I just listened to this lecture after making this post, had to link it because it explains a lot of what I didn't, but which is totally relevant to what I am saying. A good audio summary of the book Secret Teachings as well, though this lecture only covers the overall general idea of astrology and religion.

Blessed Heart of Truth,

Sista Ila