Friday, 17 August 2012

Queen Omega Livity Principles of the RasTa Empress

Blessed Love
Heart of Sabbath and Heart of Selabration Love on this blessed Garvey Earthstrong!

More love, strength and power to all Ithiopian Queens and Dawtas who are giving thanks for the Prophet of Black Isra'el.

Though I should post something to honour Marcus Mosiah Garvey, I am moved to post this summary on the character and attitude of Empress Menen Asfaw in the key roles she played in Her lifetime as the Proverbs 31Virtuous Wombman or Wife of Valor, Ethiopian Empress, Hebrew Matriarch, the Blessed Sacred Feminine, the Goddess of the God-Head JAH Rastafari, King Alpha and Queen Omega.


 "Her Personality was indeed a true and clear womb-manifestation of the Wise Wombman, Virtuous Wife, Mother, Patroness, HandMaid, Daughter, Warrior, and Queen. Every purpose, deal and deed reflected Her submission to serve with love; Her unwavering faith and commitment to righteousness; as well as honouring Ethiopia, the Teachings of Immanuel Yesus Kristos, and Her sacred marriage vows to Man and God.
As the RasTafari Wombman’s Identity is empowered by her connection to such Omega-Goddess energies; the following capture the virtuous points of principle by which Empress Menen Asfaw thrived and ruled. The Empress teaches the King’s Royal Dawta to:

  • Put prayer and Ises first in life. To pray regularly and always be conscious of JAH within and all around, in others and in the natural world.
  • Be faithful to JAH and keep the Holy Laws and Commandments of Isra’el (such as the Mosaic, Nazirene, Nazirite) no matter what misfortunes, trials and tribulations happen in life.
  • Turn to JAH, the Ingels and ancestral Saints in times of hardship, for all personal and spiritual guidance, healing and inspiration.
  • Be a patroness of the Tabernacle – to ensure it is kept clean, beautified and well-furnished for its priests and congregation.
  • Be dutiful, loyal, hardworking, respectful, loving and kind in all roles in life: as daughter, mother, sister, wife, queen, nun or any political or social leadership.
  • Fully support and stand by the King-Man, defending and protecting one’s property. Being knowledgeable, skilful and wise enough to take on his roles or work in his absence, and to assist and strengthen him in all tasks and struggles as Head of the house.
  • Be a caring, disciplinary and protective mother, keeping children and grandchildren close to home; raising them to be of goodwill; submissive to their parents, God, church and education.
  • Be mindful of one’s health and appearance: modest, appropriately attired, clean and observing fasting and vegetarian livity principles.
  • Be of humble spirit and nature: a woman of knowledge yet few words in the courts of the Brethren, capable of reasoning or speaking wisdom, and encouragement at the given moment. Known for showing more through kind actions, than words.
  • Be an avid entrepreneur, creating businesses that provide for self, family and community.
  • Be compassionate for those in need and never neglect to find or establish solutions to provide for the poor.
  • Be a good role model to young girls and adult women by always showing mature attitude and work ethic, and by helping them to live better lives in whatever way possible.
  • Collaborate with other like-minded women and care-providers, and commit to doing good works for the elder and juvenile community.
  • Never give up on any goals or aspirations, or new ideas which will bring good to your life and the lives of others - perseverance is the mother of success. "

I offer this word sound to the Sistren who gather for reasoning and who perform works in the Name of JAH RasTafari, who have organization or fellowship with other Dawtas, or who wish to discuss the character of Empress as a True Mother of the Black Nation.
It is very  important to read the Biography to capture the fullness of Her character and life!

Hail Queen Omega, Mother and Goddess of Love
Sis. Ila


  1. Hail InI King Alpha & Queen Omega, Perfect Balance, Perfect Love...Give thanks for these ilaful Omega principles for InI sistren to uphold itinually...One Perfect Love, Sis Sharifah Tafari

  2. Blessed Love! Give thanks so much Sistren! JAH bless!

  3. blessed love give thanks for all strength in this time Queen Omega I Selassie I Jah Rastafari! empress makeda

  4. Honorable Empress ini give thanks for this site and all time and energy thats is put into it Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I Jah Rastafari!!! hon.emp. Makeda

  5. This is so helpful for me. I am just coming to the Livity and embracing it fully with overstanding. I'm 22. Thank you so much im reading your blog and watching your videos learning so much. Blessed LOVE from Houston Texas

  6. Blessed Love to the I also Brittany!I give thanks and please feel free to request anything in particular. JAH is Love let I and I all Love!

  7. If you would like to learn more and read about Empress Menen, Try the FB page -The Biography of Empress Menen or the website The book and ebook are available at She is such a wonderful woman as a role model to all of us.

  8. Blsd lv givethanks 4 the words more life rasta womans

  9. Greetings Sis. Ila

    Give thanks, for the teaching provided. Its truely hearticle as i have embraced Rastafari and am so hungry for good teaching. Through my time so far it has just been prayer and meditation alone that has taught me rastafari- through JAH power and so do not have the joy of sistren around, YET. Your blog is most blessed and felt to extend high appreciation for your time spent doing the work of the Most High. Indeed we need to be there for and support eachother as women in JAH.

    JAH bless
    Sis. Kim

    1. Give thanks Sis Kim! More love n life! Please linkup the Facebook group Rasta Wife Line

  10. I am just coming to the Livity, this helpful, but i need more help understanding everything fully. I am learning everything on my own by reading and research. Where i am at, there is no one who that i know can help me with my path.

    1. JuJu blessed love, please linkup on the Facebook grop, it is private but I can add u. Also link me on fb Ila Addis, we can Skype as well. Anytime u need to reason. Jah blessings n guidance!

  11. Shalom, blessed love mi sistren... @ila how can link up on the fb group... email:

  12. Thank you for putting the Queens teachings out there

  13. Give thanks I am always happy to learn and this is very helpful blessings

  14. Give thanks for sharing as I am learning more each day and as I have come into livity as I search to gain knowledge and research I get more understanding and this is very helpful to me I also watch your videos . Jah bless sis Ila

  15. Blessed Love Sistren, Blog is full of knowledge therefore, its golden. Bless for the energy n time you took to do all of this. Give thanks, More life and longevity! Jah Bless - Empress Anisa

  16. Beautiful page of overstanding, wisdom, knowledge and growth. Give thanks Empress.

  17. Beautiful Page of Overstanding, Knowledge, Strength, Growth, and Wisdom. Give thanks Empress. Jah Rastafari Guide and Protect- Jewel C.

  18. More love and life Empress.joyful to have stumbled but surely found inspiration reading your word sounds of Our beloved Mother.Give thanks for the perfect love that you resonate and share.One God and king,Hail fair Jah Rastafari!!!

  19. More love and life Empress.joyful to have stumbled but surely found inspiration reading your word sounds of Our beloved Mother.Give thanks for the perfect love that you resonate and share.One God and king,Hail fair Jah Rastafari!!!

  20. ITES ITES ITES~ Give thanks for this link! your work is VITAL in these times Sistar ILA! Maximum raspect is due. Love goes out!

  21. Love and Wisdom Shall Be Itinually Projected Thru the Noble, Afrikan Woman. I Found My Light in Rastafari and the Virtuous Character of Empress Menen Asfaw. Blessed Love to All Sistren Who Attune Their Crown and Heart Chakras to the Heights of Our Divine Feminine, Menen.

  22. we give thanks and praises anto the mother land in flash the mother earth light of the world the man Creator Holly Emmanuel I Selassie I Jah Rastafari


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