Saturday, 29 September 2012

Natural Beauty, Care and Health Tips

Selamta, Greetings

I wanted to talk more about Wombman's health and daily habits that will promote such. It is good for every Wombman to take care of herself, so that she can have a long and happy life free of illness, and be strong enough to complete all her duties. Her beauty is not only skin deep or specific to health however, as she must be mentally or heartically beautiful in word and deed.
 Taking care of the body also does not include unlawful or unnatural foods, or the toxic products sold in pharmacies and supermarkets. The meats, manufactured goods, toiletries, hair dyes, make-up and so on, all possess chemicals which cause cancer and other damage to the organs. In knowing the harsh effects of these products, it is good for the RasTa Daughter to seek out alternatives to these harmful and expensive items which are part of mainstream tradition. I also advise the Sistren to do their own research before trying any treatments or remedies.

The following are ideally what I have personally come to overstand and adapt - though I at the present time need to purge myself of old habits that have crept back in food and exercise wise. I also need to get my black soap!

- Rise early in the sunrise hours to have quiet prayer, Iditation, exercise, inspirational reading.
During these hours of 4-6 am have herbal tea. I recommend a clove of garlic and piece of ginger of equal size, cut up. Both have great healing and regenerating properties and should be taken in this form regularly. Also other herb teas such as mint,basil, rosemary and lemongrass.

- Use colour in the home and wardrobe for inspiration, to enhance moods and to also train thoughts to think on a certain positive quality.

- Grow foods, herbs and flowers in the home, creating a connection to the earth and elements.

- Use raw Afrikan Black Soap and Dr. Bronner's castille soaps for shampoo and body soap.Use natral oils on the scalp and body. Mix your own scents with olive, coconut, rosemary, jojoba, sweet almond, lavender and apricot oils. Like black soap and creamed avocado, Aloe vera gel is also good for the skin and acne.

- Consume only vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, ground provisions, roots, herbs, organic oils and soya products, clean water and homemade beverages. If eating fish, let it be as per RasTafari law, under 12 inches and fresh. (Know that flesh is toxic to the womb, blood and organs, and though it can be used for protein is not naturally or easily digested.)

- Stay away from salt, sugar and snacks. Stay away from shelf foods, pastas and white flour foods.

- Eat as much raw foods and natural homemade beverages as possible to keep the blood pure. Do not eat too much food not cooked in the home, if any at all.

- Baking soda is good for cleaning the teeth and works as a great face, body and foot scrub. With a little water it can be applied as deoderant. Baking soda is also a good ingredient for baking and for cleaning the home. Baking soda can also be diluted with water and drank everyday to fight against disease in the body.

- Lemon juice is good for cleaning oily skin, douching the vaginal area and clearing out mucus and bacteria from the body by drinking everyday with water. It can be used with baking soda and orange oil to clean the sinks and bathroom also.

- Use no over the counter medicines, contraceptives or toiletries because they are toxic. Seek herbal, root or mineral alternatives wherever possible.

-Use organic forms of make-up, stay away from eyelash glue, gel nails and other acrylics - the glues and lights used to seal these products cause cancer. Hair dyes also can cause dementia and other illness.

- Use no tampons as they contain asbestos and make you bleed more. Sanitary napkins are also no better. There are many cloth pads and even diapers online now for purchase - see here.
*Now in 2022 there are numerous organic sanitary services available, there is also the menstrual cup which eliminates the need for using lots of pads and tampons. Try the Women's Haven brand.

- Drink lots of water to keep the body cleansed and charged. Drink pure spring and coconut water as much as possible.

- Be mindful that smoking is toxic to the body and makes the blood acidic. Try steaming and edibles to reduce the harsh smoke.

-  Indulge in that which is positive and uplifting to self and others only. Stay away from negative influences whether people or places.

- Follow the Commandments of Love and Right for a happy and blessed life.

The following dietary plan for daily Womb and body health is taken from Queen Afua's Sacred Woman which is the first text I ever sought for healing. Second was Iyanla Vanzant's "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up" which I highly recommend to all Sistren. This plan is a guide to what hours of the day are best to consume what food and perform what Iritual acts:

4-5 am Iditation, herbal tea, warm water, Epsom/Dead Sea salts bath. (medi, Ises)

6 am  Yoga, journal writing, fresh juice or kidney liver flush. (a blend of garlic, olive oil, water, lemon, cayenne pepper, ginger)  (purification/awakening)

9 am Lightest solid meal - nuts soaked in water, fresh fruit.     (cleansing, deeper discovery)

12-1 pm 12 oz. organic vegetable juice.      (vitality of the day)

3 pm heaviest meal  of vegetable protein, starch, vegetables.     (fine-tuning of acts and thoughts)

4-8 pm  Organic vegetable juice at 6-7 pm, eat light dinner of veges, cous cous, bulgar wheat, salad during sunset.     (contemplation)

9- 4 am Night praises and entrance into night rest   (cosmic awareness and dry fast)

It is important for a Wombman to also tune into her body's phases of ovulation, pms, menstruation, and monitor any body dis-ease. Queen Afua recommends consuming as much teas and natural juice as possible during the period.

I hope this list encourages and guides those who seek to heal themselves the ital way.

RasTafari Love~
Sis. Ila


  1. Well Ila you hope did reach me. Safiya always encouraged me to eat healthy because I have issues with my diet and weight and finding the right balance. As of recently after taking 2 bottles of Teasan I just decided maybe I should change my diet and start healthy eating and drinking habits. After reading this, it did inspire me even more, because I just did not know where to start. It will take some time but I believe I am ready for the change so I will get there under Jah's supervision :-) Give thanks

  2. Really thing dat i love it 10000000%

  3. Thank you, knowledge is power.


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