Sunday 16 September 2012

Many Meanings of Ises - Praises & Prayer

Blessed Love

I have been trying to think what to post about - there are so many topics to write about - but I am also trying to crochet new handbags and manage a very active almost 5 year old. So, I decided to talk about something that is very important, that is a part of RasTafari life, but is also the very best friend of any Dawta out there: Ises, praises, prayer, having a moment to talk to JAH, the healing within, the strength to persevere and endure.

What is Ises? Can it have more than one meaning, can it do more than one thing?
I believe Ises can mean and be so many things at once or at a particular time based on one's emotions. Sometimes I want to pray for everything and everyone, sometimes for myself, sometimes its for particular persons, sometimes its for Afrika, sometimes it's to bunn a serious fyah on the wickedness that is rampant in the world today, sometimes I'm just giving thanks for everything JAH created and loves... you know what I mean? There are so many things that I and I face on a daily basis - thousands of thoughts that we think each day and what we are moved to feel passionate about each day changes rapidly...

Here is a summary  or even message I wrote called "Iditations on Ises" where I tried to list all the different ways we use prayer or give praises, and what it means for and to us. I did not include the Nyahbinghi Creed and the other important declarations that have been with RasTafari from the beginning, but they cannot be forgotten.

It is important for every I to Iditate on Ises and Giving Ises efficiently in order to be Iritually whole and secure throughout life. Ises is the language of Wise Mind, Ever-living Life and healing as it awakens the Word of JAH and its accompanying Iritual vibrations in the mind-space, body temple and soul.

More than asking for help, healing, guidance or wisdom, prayer is an affirmation. Prayer and Ises are about speaking and pledging confident truths, and willing those who receive them to share in this Godly power.

Ises is on the other hand, a supplication. In that we often use this time to off-load our emotional distress, and to relate to JAH our fears, problems and weaknesses. It is a time to ask for help and to search within for the source of the help. “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).

Ises is an Iditation. While you don't worry about whether your prayers will be answered, you keep them with you each day in your thoughts, as inspiration to make you live up to your faith and goals. You must think about your prayers, and do positive deeds and say blessed things in honour of them. Iditation is most of all the Iritual guidance of Ises where you deeply consider and aim to overstand the purpose of life as JAH intended for this world.

Ises is a declaration. Ises speaks to Iration, declaring JAH Rastafari's glory in the heavens and the earth. Prayer harmonizes man and woman with the living environment around us, balancing the individual energy and vibrations we declare/emit with the energies and vibrations we receive. Making a declaration of Ises is therefore a consciously controlled statement that honours Iration and marks your place within it; because what you declare to JAH and His omnipotence, you receive. Declarations can be affirmations of righteousness or denials of sin and iniquity.

Ises is a joyful noise. No matter how depressed you feel, you serve JAH Rastafari with gladness and stand in His/Her presence with love and admiration, giving thanks for the good and the bad, and even that which you do not overstand.

Ises is a freewill offering, according to Psalm 119 - which perfectly summarizes the state of man and his journey in trying to be upright, but suffering with the burdens of carnality. A freewill offering, is the ideal gift and praise that you can offer to your Creator, your JAH. Taking the time to praise JAH and Iditate, and committing to such an act daily, shows your humility towards JAH, and your free will to set aside your life and desires just to acknowledge that you are a part of something Greater and more powerful. While the law and feasts or festivals are appointed times for offering and praises, we still are obligated to abide by them. On the other hand, a freewill offering is something natural and uniquely specific to every one of us. A freewill offering is something that comes freely, earnestly and abundantly direct from the heart; and not from the law. It is a sign of Nazirite devotion, honour and love – such being unique to those “who wish to separate themselves unto the Lord.”

Ises is a living testimony. Only the living can give testimony of JAH's power over evil and wickedness. There is no praise in the grave of the dead or the pit of the sinful. While you have life you must acknowledge it as the greatest gift you own, and give thanks for the blessings it brings you from the Creator's bosom.

Ises is a living sacrifice. When you pray, you offer your sinful mind and body over to JAH for regeneration and purification. Confessing your sin sacrifices your ego and pride, making way for overstanding and positive reinforcement or change. Sacrificing the ego and its carnal lusts through Ises is the way you clean out your inner defilement, so that you can be prepared and offered up as a living pure sanctuary – a refuge of God and peace, a place of rest from burdens. The only living burnt sacrifice worthy of your use is the herbal sacrament which opens your an Iritual and helps you to weigh your actions.

Ises is genesis. Prayer is the first step in the creation or conception of a new life, mind, heart, body, faith, hope and Irit. Each time you pray, you aim to start something new and better within and around you.

Ises is closure. Starting over, beginning a new path or chapter in life, entails leaving something old or past, behind. Ises is the energy you gain strength from – strength to move on from sins, arguments, disappointments, heartbreak – to make it through another day. Closure releases parts of your Consciousness eradicates a habit or mentality or thought or emotion from your everyday living. Ises hands these things over to JAH so you can grow into your Higher Self free from worry, doubts, regrets and baggage.

Ises is instruction. You gain much guidance from JAH when you read your Ises from the Holy Scriptures and Law of Isra’el and Ithiopia. You evolve as an individual I with the instruction given to you from Zion; and the advice and wisdom of the Patriarchs. Ises helps you to build strength in this instruction as shown in the Book of Psalms. Ises allows you to beseech JAH in maintaining His holy path.

All in all, Ises is the greatest remedy. The act of worship and the power of love, hope and faith, can cure any ailment and inspire every heart.

I hope this is inspiring to the Sistren, giving ones a spark of renewal in hope, zeal and faith.
JAH RasTafari Love and Itection!
Sis. Ila


  1. Sis Ila Thanks for these very informative posts.

  2. many humble thanks for saying that ~ I need inspiration to keep them coming! Jah Bless!

  3. Dear sistern love ur work do u always were skirts how I also like ur humble thoughts

  4. Blessed Love Regina, give thanks :) and Yes I always wear skirts and dresses so does my daughter

  5. Still love this sistren...


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