Thursday, 15 February 2018

Journaling to Vibrate Higher

Journaling is an important step to include on your mission to Vibrate Higher. In order to change and improve your mind, body and Irit (spirit) you must first “Know Thyself.” You must first sort through all the many aspects that define you – your experiences, your thoughts, your relationships, your goals, you inhibitions, your desires.

Journaling helps you to sort through yourself so that you can learn who you are on many levels.
It helps you to identify patterns of negativity – experiences or people that have caused blockages, fear and low self-esteem. It helps you identify sources in your life that cause pain and joy, sources that need to be improved or removed. It helps you identify toxic situations and people so that you may remove them for your own health and happiness.

Journaling helps you to make informed decisions about who you want to become for the greater good. 

Journaling helps you to sort your feelings, habits, attitudes, actions – past and present, your strengths and weaknesses.

It helps you to determine what steps you need to take to achieve your goals. It allows the space to determine what is needed for you to achieve them.

Journaling creates a sense of self-awareness that allows you to apprecilove and draw upon all positive things about yourself or positive experiences.

Journaling documents your thoughts, hopes and dreams so that you can constantly remind yourself of the future and foundation you are aiming to build each day.

Journaling says YES I CAN, and I AM DOING GREAT.

Journaling is a form of releasing past hurt and negativity, unblocking your mind and body, as you are free to pour your pain onto the page thereby releasing such thoughts and words from your body. You can destroy the pages to bring a final release and cleanse yourself.

Journaling allows you to figure out and solve problems on your own, or it allows you to decide how you will solve conflict with others rationally.

Journaling inspires you to take action, at your own pace, when you are ready. IF things do not go as planned then you can use journaling to regroup, to reassess your ideas and goals and come again. It works with you and for you, because it is your opportunity to always express yourself and figure out where you are going, what you are doing right and wrong.

Journaling is personal, it is your safe space and time to express all the good and the bad. It is an action that is just for you that cannot be controlled or influenced by anyone else but you. So you can be as honest as you need to be no matter how hard it is. 

Journaling inspires you to think positive and happy thoughts about yourself and your life, it is quite encouraging and self-loving to write short inspirational poems about yourself, write mantras or one-shot sentences that inspire you or show self-love and care. Stick pictures of yourself at happy times or with people you love, stick inspirational quotes and memes you find so that you can constantly surround yourself with positive image and word sound power.

Journaling is an expression of love because you are committed to healing yourself through your thoughts and these thoughts inspire positive action.

Here are a few journaling prompts to help you get started.

Things I am grateful for
People I am grateful for
Experiences I am grateful for
Things I am proud about
Things I am not proud about
My strengths
My weaknesses
Things I wish to change about myself
Things I love about myself
Things I love doing
People I love spending time with
Positive experiences and memories
Intentions/Goals for the New Year: family, business, personal, spiritual
People that inspire me
Things that inspire me
People that deflate my confidence
Thoughts that deflate my confidence
Good habits
Bad habits
Reasons why I am great
As a parent I am
As a friend I am
As a lover/spouse I am
I wish that I
I want to
I feel connected to JAH when
I feel disconnected from JAH when
Adventures I want to have
In order to achieve my goals I must
I feel sad/insufficient/unneeded/unloved/incapable when…
Ten things I love about me
Ten things I want to change in my life
My plan to……is

These are just a few ideas that I hope will inspire you to journal, to take action and control of your life and your state of Being. I am no expert on the subject but I do feel that it is necessary for us Dawtas, especially when we feel overwhelmed by life and relationships.

 Journaling is a wonder self-improvement and empowering tool. It instills confidence and a sense of clarity which are very important to our daily functioning. People talk about making "new year resolutions" well journaling is a great way to prioritize, reorganize and plan for yourself and your future. It is a good way to "clean house" of all the negativity and make way for abundance and joy.

Get a nice notebook – cover it with pretty fabric or spend extra and get a fancy one. Also acquire a special pen and keep them in a safe place where they can always be on hand but protected from others.  Make sure to journal on full and new moon and any special lunar and solar events.
Happy journaling!
Ila Addis


  1. Hi,when will you post more recipes?Do you eat flour dumplins?I would like to lose about 15 pounds too do you have any suggestions? Thanks

    1. Greetings, I do still post recipes, but I have a special blogsite for that you can check it out! I try not to eat anything with flour because it causes bad menstrual cramps for me and gluten on the whole isn't healthy. the most I eat flout in is bean patties and I use spelt instead of regular wheat flour. If you stop eating bread, rice and pasta and eat ground provisions or quinoa or kamut instead, eat lots of fruit, salad and soup, you will find that weight loss is easier. Bless up

  2. Blessed Love Sista Ila, I n I am truly grateful to have found your blog 4 years ago when I was pregnant and seeking Rastafari. Your information have been so helpful. All the power and strength to you, and all seeking daughters, mothers and families. Give Thanks for Life!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to send me this message. it means a lot to I to receive feedback from my readers. Not often ones choose to share their thoughts with me and I feel as though my efforts are falling into thin air. Jah bless you on your journey sis, keep your head up and a smile on your face. Love love love!


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