Thursday, 20 June 2013

Reasoning on Marriage and Hardships

Blessed Love,

Days ago I was to post these videos up on the blog, but hopefully those who have suscribed to the youtube channel have already seen them!

Given that Sistren have been asking me so much about my thoughts on marriage, and given that it was a topic recently discussed by my fellow Sistren here in Trinidad at the Roots Dawta Connection - I decided to just take the word sound to a small video reasoning.
 I offer advice on how to deal with relationships, I refer to King Alpha and Queen Omega marriage or the ensample of JAH RasTafari Emperor and Empress of Ethiopia. I also reason on things to consider when entering into marriage, as well on polygamy verses promiscuity.

We have to be right within our consciousness in order for our marriages, relationships and works to be right and fruitful. If we are not right within then nothing can prosper. No good vibes can flow.
All Dawtas need to know and overstand that they are not alone in the hardships of marriage and raising a family. The Wombman is the backbone of the home and no matter how rough things get, I and I have to know how to balance and be mentally clear and strong to make it through no matter how much help we get or don't get.
 It is important for Idren to see that no matter how much livity one may practice, it is truly the conception of the heart, and truly bringing forth the fruits of the Kristos Irit, that see ones through daily (self-control, peace, patience, joy, charity etc.).
 Your attitude, thoughts, actions, words, are the forces that build your reality, your world. It is important to not  just focus on following rules and laws of righteousness, but to work on being a shining light of goodwill, kindness, compassion, love, wisdom and truth. It is about reflecting the Image of  JAH - being connected to and raspectful of the Iniverse and Creator God and Goddess. If you don't have the peace of Kristos within, then life will always be a struggle, negativity will always be around you because it has not been purged from within.
If I and I all learn to live with one another as Gods and Goddesses, or as Sons and Daughters of the Kristos Anointing, then our homes will be stronger, the vibes stronger.
Full mind, body soul Iditation and enlightenment must reign in the hearts of all flesh for Babylon mentality, pollution and corruption to be avoided and kept out of the home and marriage.

Think Jah, Live Jah, Be Jah! RasTafari!


These videos were updated on 24/9/2021

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for these videos. My KingMan and I watched these together and it proved fruitful. It hit the heart of many a topic we struggle with at times. Though it may seem some things may be difficult at the start, Ones who follow this love-filled, Jah-Ispired advice, can make it habit over time. With diligence, these become easier. With love all things are possible!
    Give thanks to the Most High!


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