Thursday, 27 December 2012

Just an Iditation leaving 2012

Blessed Day and Livity to the I,

Today is a busy day for me - I have Ila Designs to ship out from the sale, I have to finalize my own princess' earthstrong presents and activities and finish up two new AfroCrochet tote bags.
But regardless of all I have to do I find myself Iditating on the Babylon new year a lot recently. When December 31st rolls around, I am not one that escapes that feeling of contemplation and reflection on what has passed. Was I successful? Happy? Did I achieve what I wanted for this year gone? Where did the time go?  What were the highlights, the lows? What don't I want to repeat? What must I yet again improve upon? What does JAH think of me right now? How has the year been for my daughter? And then there's the planning her schooling to re-start in January which is a task of its own.

In spite of  all that though, 2013 is another year of hopes and dreams for me and my family.It is another year that I start with optimism, knowing that good things will come. It is another year to proudly and diligently Live RasTafari and praise the Almighty JAH in righteousness.  I know, with JAH's grace and blessings, I will be promoting and expanding the business and hoping to see it finally take solid root to provide a steady income. I will branch out my JAH-given talents into other avenues and work on solidifying my charitable causes. I will be growing in the many functions of life I have to commit to daily. I will be learning and writing and teaching, even expanding the family and embracing motherhood once again, JAH willing.
One day at a time however. No rushing, no anxiety, no straying from the goal and destination. All hopes and wishes are truly at the mercy of JAH and I am just grateful for life, health and strength to dare to even dream and work and achieve.

I wish that all Sistren and Brethren have a measure of selflessness, contentment, courage, faith and a just cause to step into another calendar year out here inna Babylon (who knows what the future holds given that Babylon must fall). This is your freedom, your redemption from death and slavery.

Blessed Love

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