Thursday, 5 September 2013

How to Sew a Basic Maxi Skirt with Knit stretch fabric

Greetings and Blessed RasTafari Love to all!

I know I havent been around for a while, but having a newborn is so time-consuming that I really don't get much time to sit at the computer, or to make new tutorials... But I am trying to get back into the groove, as I am being creative again when I can  these days, after not making items for a while during my pregnancy. I am also working on some written material on His Majesty and the duty and roles of a king as determined in the Ible. I also want to work on some video reasonings. so things are going on behind the scenes even if it may take me longer than before to get my products online.

I really wanted to make a maxi skirt to take some pictures or do a mini photoshoot for some upcoming designs. so this beautiful camo-like fabric is what I decided to use. This is a very very basic tutorial, nothing new to the blog - but since it is knit I decided to do another tutorial on the basic A-line maxi.

Keep on trodding the path of the Virtuous Dawta!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love this dress sistren! The print is nice. As soon as I get a sewing machine, I will be making all of this items of clothing. Give thanks for the tutorials!


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