Sunday 22 September 2013

Totally Raw Plantain Dressing for Salad Recipe

Blessed Love all loved ones in Fari!

Today's post is a recipe of one of my Sistren Kindele of TuffLikeIron clothing, who is also a raw vegan and activist. She taught another Sistren - Sis Quilin of The Fire is Lit Bookstore (you can find her store on etsy!) this recipe and she in turn recommeneded it to me - and I am so glad I tried it with this aging plantain I had in the kitchen.
FYI - plantain is in the family of banana - it is actually meant to be eaten RAW! and because the thought of it seems too tangy and like it would twist up your mouth I was reluctant to try it. But one thing to remember is that plantains are ultimately VERY SWEET! so there is no fear in trying it raw in this particular recipe because it is quite sweet with a lovely array or seasonings to spice it up.
Now I decided the added ingredients in this recipe here my own, and you can too. but this recipe here is pretty tasty!


1 ripe plantain (skin should be black)
half an onion
1 pimento
2 strings chive
ginger powder or a piece of ginger
dash Braggs liquid amino (soy sauce) 
(sea salt if you wish)
1 tsp olive oil (you could try another like sesame or coconut to see how the flavours mesh)

Combine the above ingredients in the blender

Pause and shake to get it going, you don't need to add anything else.

It will be smooth and whipped and light!


Make your salad and spread the dressing sauce on top, makes enough for two people. I had mine with one large potato boiled, but baking is always better. try it with a sweet potato instead and you will be in heaven. I usually use a ground provision with my salad for the meal to be heavier, but a bigger salad will also work!

 This is the best raw salad I have had yet, try it and let I know how it goes!



  1. I finally tried this and i added chadon beni. Yummo. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh yes! That wud def spice it up! Thanks for sharing!


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